Data In The Best, And Worst, Of Times

Helping their community and delivering personalized service is the foundational differentiation of every community bank. Now more than ever, customers expect that their community bank understands them and is looking out for their best interests. Customers are...

Selling the Sales Environment

Ask 50 bankers to define a bank’s sales culture and chances are you will get 50 different answers. There is no one definition for the phrase; it is a rather fuzzy concept that is often loosely defined as the latest sales fad or initiative. The descriptions will be...

KlariVis Continues to Build Momentum

Former bankers provide a data analytics platform that breaks down barriers, revealing transformative, actionable data. KlariVis, a unique and proprietary data analytics software platform developed by bankers for bankers, announced today from the Independent Community...

Startup helps smaller bankers analyze and leverage customer’s data

Its a start-up in Roanoke that bills itself as “a banking solution for bankers.” Kim Snyder is the President and CEO of KlariVis, which she founded in early 2019. Snyder says financial institutions – especially smaller banks that rely on outside vendors – often have difficulty retrieving, analyzing – and leveraging – that data.

The Data Economy Demands Value Part 3

How to build your organization’s data analytic proficiency; Part Three. Data and data analytics is more than just a resource for reporting and decision-making support. Rather than succumbing to the weight of a new business model, financial institutions have an...